Mark Deavall
Two and a half years ago I walked into The Pro Shop in Woodmead to purchase a set of golf clubs. I had never played golf before, but figured that it may be good for my business if I attended golf days etc. As soon as my purchase was complete, I was “accosted” by a Play More Golf salesperson who tried very hard to sell me a PMG membership. But being the sceptic that I am, I listened intently but decided against a PMG membership. I then took some lessons and soon became a member of a golf club. But I kept on bumping into members of PMG who were all telling me how great it is to be a member – playing different courses at discount prices, golf days, birdie points etc. I became intrigued, so on my next visit to the Pro Shop (these visits tend to be about once a week), I looked for the PMG salesman and signed up!
And was that ever the right decision. I am still a member at my golf club, but I play for two weekends at away clubs using my PMG membership, and the other two I play at my home club. I have seen and played some incredible clubs via PMG and intend doing so for a long time to come.
My advice for people looking for “value for money golf? Join Play More Golf. You will not find better value for money anywhere else!
So I’ll see you on a PMG golf course. Look for me. I’m the one shouting “has anyone seen my ball”.
Mark Deavall.
A very satisfied PMG member.